To mark International Day of People with Disabilities (3 December), the BAC is delighted to officially launch its new digital accessibility tool.‘ReciteMe’ will ensure that BAC information, news and advice is accessible to, and usable by, our entire membership, allowing us to connect with more World-Class Programme athletes and provide a consistent, high quality service.The tool can be accessed at the top of the website, and once opened, offers users accessibility options including screen reading, reading tools, downloading webpages as audio files and customising the look and feel of the site.The introduction of ReciteMe is the latest step in the BAC’s drive to recognise and remove all barriers faced by people involved or wanting to be involved in sport, in any capacity.BAC Athlete Support Manager, Hannah Dean, said:“We’re delighted to host the ReciteMe technology, which will help all of our members access relevant information to suit their needs.“We are always exploring ways in which we can advance our support of every one of our athlete membership, and likewise how we can ensure that we are leading the way in inclusion and accessibility. On such a key day in the calendar, we’re pleased to be able to reinforce this commitment.”Further information on the BAC’s commitment to Equality and Diversity is available here. If athletes wish to discuss ways in which the BAC can progress this work further, they can email


2020-12-03 09:12:07
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