The BAC is supporting innovative Loughborough University research designed to help revamp guidelines on sports’ de-selection policies, with an increased focus on athletes’ mental health, morale and subsequent performance.The project, led by Katelynn Slade, is seeking out current or former British high-performance athletes to share their experience of being de-selected, either from a programme, camp or competition.Ensuring an athlete-focused approach to sporting guidelines and policy is key to the work the BAC carries out, and the organisation’s Athlete Support Team has extensive experience of supporting athletes through a de-selection, and working through the ramifications of the decision.Hannah Dean, Athlete Support Manager at the BAC, explains:“While selection and de-selection is an unavoidable part of competitive sport, the importance of ensuring that the processes are athlete-focused and evidence-led is huge.“The BAC supports athletes through some of the most uncertain and difficult times in their career, and we are therefore delighted to be supporting this research, which will give sport the opportunity to learn and progress in this area, thus benefiting athletes in the future.”Katelynn Slade, lead researcher, adds:“The athlete voice is important and this is a great opportunity for athletes to share their experiences and perceptions in a confidential setting where the aim is to ultimately bring about positive change for all that are involved in sport.”All participation in the research will be kept confidential and anonymous, and will take the form of a 60-minute virtual interview. If you are interested in participating, please contact Katelynn Slade at research will be carried out under full ethical approval from Loughborough University while also following the ethical guidelines of the British Psychological Society.


2021-03-30 10:25:38
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